Safety on Tailor Made Birthright Israel Trips
The safety and well-being of our Birthright Israel participants is our primary operating principle and our foremost concern. Birthright Israel takes great pride in its reputation for being cautious and responsible with a well-deserved reputation from hosting over 850,000 travelers over the past 24 years. We will not hesitate to further adjust our approach, as necessary.
Birthright Israel trips operate under strict safety and security standards set in accordance with the IDF's Homefront Command guidelines. These guidelines include geographical travel boundaries, limiting groups from travelling within a 40km range of the Gaza Strip or a 20km range of the Lebanese border, exact protocols of how to operate during the sound of a siren, personal safety guidelines and more. Birthright Israel's operations department and field teams are in constant contact with trip staff and oversee the group's operations and safety.
Trip itineraries are approved daily with the "Situation Monitoring Room" administered by the Society for the Protection of Nature. The Situation Monitoring Room works closely with Israel's security forces including the IDF, Israel Police, and local security and reservation authorities.
How Tailor Made Birthright Israel
keeps our participants safe
Tailor Made Birthright Israel is a supervised program where you travel in a group setting. Each group is led by a Tour Educator and accompanied by two staff members from the group’s country of origin. Additionally, the group is accompanied by a security guard (who is also a first aid responder) and a bus driver.

Tailor Made Birthright Israel works with several international airlines in order to safely bring you to Israel. The airlines we work with are all accredited members of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and operate within the guidelines of their Operational Safety Audit.

You will travel together as a group by bus. All trips, tour bus companies, and drivers are subject to Tailor Made Birthright Israel’s strict standards.

Trip itineraries are approved daily with the “Situation Monitoring Room” administered by the Society for the Protection of Nature. The Situation Monitoring Room works closely with Israel’s security forces including the IDF, Israel Policy, and local security and reservation authorities.